The Elegance of Simplicity

We're not Zen Masters, but we understand the power of simple things when staging your home for sale, such as; effortless elegance, something obvious but notibly understated, the beauty of slight imperfection, and the undeniable power of first impressions.

Real Estate Staging

Why Get Help?

When preparing your home for sale, the most important thing to consider is this: First impressions shape buyer attitudes more than any single factor by leaps and bounds. Sometimes it's difficult for the buyer to imagine what it would be like to live in your home because they can't see beyond your stuff.

Furthermore, well-staged homes sell faster and can increase the value of your home after it's placed on the market. Statistically, a potential buyer is more willing to meet the seller near their asking price when the home is staged well.

Consulting Services

The seller will benefit from a fresh perspective on what the inside of their home looks like from a professional who is skilled at seeing what they cannot. Most people grow accustomed to the look and feel of the atmosphere in their home. Our team is made up of professionals who can consult and advise you on how to properly stage your home for the lowest cost.

Creative Placement

Our company deals primarily with occupied residences. In other words, the seller plans to live in their home until the home is under contract and the keys have been transferred to the new owner. In this scenario, showcasing your home to potential buyers usually means rearranging some of the contents and moving other things elsewhere.

We have a "flare for design" that will draw the eye of potential buyers to notice the most beautiful aspects of your home. 

Staging with a Passion

One of the reasons people like working with us is our love for what we do. We share your goals and know how challenging it is to put your residence on the market, then allow strangers to wander through every room, and ultimately sell the place you call home.

We can guarantee you that your home has a natural beauty and a personality all it's own. One of the things it needs most to be successful on the market is a little help from some friends. This is where we excel. Please give us a call today for a free estimate.

Services We Offer

Organization Services We Offer Real Estate Staging

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